Seafolk ± James Aiken, adventurer, creative, waterman.
Location ± in-between waves on the Jurassic Coast, UK.
It was a special day with brisk offshores & fleeting autumnal sunshine. We talked Iceland, re-wilding for mental health and more, whilst looking off a cliff.
James, you seem to be a fan of vast areas of water, whether frozen or fluid, what drives you to these places ?
I realised quite early on that I was going to focus on the North Atlantic and not just the ocean, but the countries surrounding it. I used to read about expeditions and adventure and I also like history. Thousands of years ago people travelled across land and sea, and I was just in love with that.
Through my 20’s and 30’s I pushed my ‘comfort zone’ until I did the single-handed Atlantic crossing and more recently the coast to coast ski across Iceland (21 days).
“Getting to know an area, the feeling, the history, the connection with nature. It helps to make it a smaller place mentally ”
Captured by James on Drone.
“I don’t call it ‘survival’, I think it’s more .. immersion .. I voluntarily walk into the wilderness. ”
You’ve taken a different track to re-wilding, your angle is re-wilding of people for mental health rather than the environmental side things ?
Yeah, we are living through a mental health pandemic and it’s accelerating. Male suicide is only getting worse and worse. Words can only do so much. We need to get outdoors, take in the natural world, get physically fit, both of which help the mental game. I’m just trying to lead quietly by example, the only way I know how.
On the Oaken Yarn, Solo Atlantic Crossing by James Aiken.
Did you see the Volcano that was going off while you were crossing Iceland ?
It was south of me, but one of the areas I skied over had risen 10 centimetres from the magma pressure building underneath it.
How do you keep your composure when you might have those wild invasive thoughts like, OK, what happens if ?
.. and did you ever get cold feet ?
haha on proceeding with the expedition or actual cold feet ?
There was a moment, when the local people were like, ‘well, f**k. Good luck’ from those that work in the ski shops! So I’m proud to be one of around three people that have skied that far across Iceland in recent times.
And no! your socks were amazing, not just saying that, no blisters, so good, must be the wool content or something.
But yes, there are risks; you just have to do everything you can & accept some level of risk. There was one moment crossing a snow bridge over a river, I think it was probably a 50-50 situation, if I go over this, and it collapses, there's no way I'm getting out. The sun had just set so the temperatures were plummeting, I was keen to make camp for the night. I had a little scout around for a safer crossing, but that was the one, I hit it with some speed, just enough to try and get it in one.
Setting up camp by James Aiken.
In terms of inspiration, you mentioned the history of exploration. Do you read the old adventure books to get an insight into how things once were ?
Yeah, I do that, but I really like the deep history of what was going on, those Indigenous tribes, thousands of years ago. It would have been very maritime & nautical. The islands of Scotland, are so connected with all the other islands.
With long treks up to Orkney, from places like Stonehenge on the pilgrim trails .. have you ever been to Orkney, Skara Brae? Seen any waves up that way ?
Yeah, theres a couple of points, left and right. I've surfed the left. It was quite a big storm swell. The neolithic site is so epic, it's been there for like 5,000 years. It's so hardcore out there. If you went out there in the van, you'd think it was hardcore, but go out there in an open top boat, that’s next level.
Thank you James Aiken - follow James on his Insta for more adventures.
If you’re in need of some warmth check in with our Icelandic tested socks.